Sunday 5 February 2012

Reflective Evaluation - Sophie-Question three

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

To get a greater understanding of what people thought of our music video we got our peers from our media class to watch our music video and fill in a questionnaire form about what they thought about the video.

This feedback sheet showed how a male & female both aged 18 thought our music video looked professional, it held their attention and liked our mise-en-scene, locations & costume as they related to the artist and genre conventions. They enjoyed the performance aspect of our music video as it was upbeat, confident & believable. However they didn’t like the fact Miles Kane stole another man’s partner! They thought there was a wide variety of well thought out shots and that it fits the pace & tone of the song.
They gave it 33/40 marks

This feedback sheet showed how a female aged 17 thought our music video looked suitable and it held their attention.  She thought that some of the drumming sections were out of time but besides that she thought it looked like a professional music video that was suitable for the artist. She thought the lip syncing was good and the performance shots were also good. However she didn’t like the facial expressions sections as they didn’t look believable and that the effects were over the top/not suitable for the type of music video. 
She gave us 30/40 marks.

This feedback sheet showed us what two males one 17 & one 18 thought of our music video.
They thought it was suitable and that it held their attention  they thought that the instruments didn’t look like they were being played and that it didn’t look professional, however it suited the artist type and style of music and this is because it showed a lot of the band & the performance.  However they also thought that the narrative needed to be better developed to make the music video look complete. They thought the shots looked good but that there wasn’t enough variety. On the other hand they liked the special effects we did making the video turn from greyscale to colour.
They gave us 27/40 marks.

I created a wordle of the key words and phrases that have been repeated throughout all the feedback sheets, I feel that is a good way of representing the overall view of our music video. the words  that are larger were the ones most repeated. 

Issues were raised about the narrative some people viewed as having good potential but they thought that it wasn’t as good as some of the other elements of our music video thus making it a weak link. the drumming being out of time with the beat of the song was something else people picked up upon and looking back we could have put more time and effort into looking at the instruments to make sure they were properly in time with the beat of the song. During the editing process peer members suggested ways in which we could make our film better, for example one member of another group noticed how some of our lip syncing was out of time. We then were able to change the length of the clip to make sure it fitted into the video. I believe this help is invaluable as i believe we wouldn't have noticed this fault if it wasn't pointed out by the person.

Some of the audience feedback is things that we ourselves had no control over. One person didn’t like the song or type of music we had chosen and therefore didn’t like our song or video, we realised then that our video or the choice of music won’t be to everyone’s taste. 

We had a lot of problems throughout our filming and I believe we have done the best we could with what little opportunity we had to shot our video I believe that some comments were unfair such as one person saying our lip-syncing was out of time and another few people saying it was in time. Certain things I wish we could have changed in the editing and filming process such as getting a better camera to hire out so the images weren’t as great as we wish they could have been.
However I believe we have done very well in creating our music video and I think the overall comments were positive.

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