Friday 16 March 2012

Amber's Evalutation Question four

How did you user media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

A video response to the question:

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Reflective Evaluation Question 4 - Sophie

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research planning and evaluation stages?

This is a video I created, in this video i talk about the stages of creating our digipak, website and music video.

Amber's Evaluation Question Three

What have you learned from your audience feed back?

We gathered some audience feed back in various ways. The most pronounced  being asking some of our peers to watch the video and fill in a Questionnaire. I've added some of the Questionnaires we received in here.

There was a lot of good feedback from the other groups, although they did highlight a few issues they had with our videos. For example a few people thought there weren't enough shot varieties in the video, and some other pointed out that they thought some of the drums weren't synced properly.

Some other weaknesses in the video, were that, as one person pointed out, the guitar doesn't look like it's really been played, which is unfortunate, but we did our best to find an actor who looked the part of Miles Kane, who would be willing to act for us, and he did try his best.

Someone else said that they felt the narrative needed a bit more development, as they didn't understand quite understand what was going on, which was something we as a group noticed when we'd finished the music video.

We also got verbal feedback from our teachers and some of our peers that didn't take media, using the youtube channel, to show them the video. We got a lot of the same comments which went towards some of the changes we made before completing our video.

Some of the things we changed after receiving feedback, was the lip-syncing and the amount of performance shots. Other people picked up on things we hadn't noticed and pointed out that they felt there should be more performance rather than dancing.

Going back and changing things we feel we improved our video, although there were some things we couldn't change, as we didn't have the opportunity to re-film. This was a little frustrating, as once the issues had been pointed out, they stuck out to us. Some other problems with the feedback was that when we went back to change things when our video was near completion, was that cutting clips and putting them in the exactly correct places was harder now, because we had to make sure all the lip-syncing was still right.
We also got some feedback that contradicted other comments, and we had to make a decision as to which we would follow.

Monday 6 February 2012

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Digipak Front Cover
Digipak Inside


How have you maintained a clear image and theme throughout your campaign?
Throughout all of our products we have kept an emphasis on Miles Kane (Chris) for its image which is why he is the only person featured on the digipak and has most emphasis on the website and in our video. There is also a distinct colour scheme with the Digipak and website (pink, white and black) which makes them look united; the colour scheme wasn't included in the video because it wouldn't suit the song and would look silly.

How is the website, CD cover and video interrelated? Do they have the same purpose?
Our website, CD cover and video are interrelated due to having the same content regarding actors and theme. The website and digipak are interrelated with the colour scheme. All of our products have the same purpose in regards to selling Miles Kane, by making them all similar people are more likely to recognise his 'brand' and therefore let him stand out. To make him stand out all 3 of the products focus on him.

What purpose or relationship do they all have? Do they target the audience?
The purpose is to give Miles Kane an interesting image which people will want to buy into. The target audience of 16 - 25 year olds might not be achieved due to our actors being in the lower end of the target audience spectrum (17-18), however apart from that I think it would have done ok towards our target audience due to it having a similar style to Miles Kane's previous videos with the inclusion of dancing and focus on live performance.

Arctic Monkeys - Favourite Worst Nightmare Digipak

Other feedback sheets - Sophie

These are the other feedback sheets we collected from are audience, overall they are positive comments.